First Things First: Some Preliminary Questions

- What are your top priorities in changing or adding a manufacturer? Is there a specific problem you are trying to solve?
- What have you heard or seen that got you interested in one of my cabinet lines?
- How important are design programs like ProKitchen or 20-20 Technologies? Some lines support both, some support 20-20 only and some use their own pricing and ordering programs
Your Expectations. The Manufacturer’s Expectations.
- What are your expectations for quality, customer service, lead times, display programs, co-op marketing, credit, logistics/shipping, and manufacturer process/procedure?
- Do you intend to display as soon as you become a dealer? Or will you wait until you see how the manufacturer performs?
- What is your budget for start-up samples? For custom lines, you can expect to pay $750 to $1500 for color blocks and door samples. For U.S. Cabinet Depot you can get started for $100.

Next Steps

- Give me a real kitchen — past or present — to price with floor plan and material list. 10×10 kitchens or cabinet lists of 6 to 8 cabinets are only useful for stock lines
- I will review details of pricing with you. Have we explored enough door, finish, and wood species options to give you well informed price representation?
- Does the manufacture meet your price expectations?
- We will get together for you to look at and evaluate product for quality
- Do a deeper dive into price and product manuals. Does the manufacturer offer everything that you need?
- Review display and sample costs
- Talk about sales expectations for your area
- Complete the dealer application or do more due diligence or visit the factory
Getting You Started
- Your account has been set up with manufacturer
- You will get access to design program catalogs or pricing programs
- I will help you with ordering samples
- Together we will review any unique aspects of design programs and pricing programs. This is especially important with custom lines.
- We will acquaint you with the key everyday factory contacts
- I’m here to help you as long as it takes for you to get comfortable ordering

Product Training

I do the majority of the product training, usually as a general overview and then in more detail as you design live kitchens to present to your customers. Of course, factory customer service is available to answer questions.